Class TSQLiteTable
type TSQLiteTable = class(TObject)
Class for handling SQLite query result
property Fields[I: cardinal]: AnsiString read GetFields; |
property FieldByName[FieldName: String]: String read GetFieldByName; |
property FieldIndex[FieldName: String]: integer read GetFieldIndex; |
property Columns[I: integer]: String read GetColumns; |
property EOF: boolean read FEOF; |
property ColCount: cardinal read fColCount; |
property Row: cardinal read fRow; |
constructor Create(const DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: String; PrepareOnly: Boolean = false); |
Class constructor. Called internally by TSQLiteDatabase
destructor Destroy; override; |
Class descructor. Call Free instead.
function FieldAsInteger(I: cardinal): int64; |
Read field from current row as integer.
function FieldAsBlob(I: cardinal): TMemoryStream; |
Read field from current row as blob to memory stream.
function FieldAsBlobPtr(I: cardinal; out iNumBytes: integer): Pointer; |
Read field from current row as pointer to memory.
function FieldAsBlobText(I: cardinal): AnsiString; |
Read field from current row as blob to AnsiString.
function FieldIsNull(I: cardinal): boolean; |
Test if field from current row contains null value.
function FieldAsString(I: cardinal): AnsiString; |
Read field from current row as string.
function FieldAsDouble(I: cardinal): double; |
Read field from current row as floating-point.
function Next: boolean; |
Go to next row.
procedure ParamsClear; |
Reset all query params.
procedure Reset; |
Reset current result set. After this you can set new query parameters values and call prepared query again by Next
procedure AddParamInt(const name: String; value: int64); |
Add named query parameter of integer type.
procedure AddParamFloat(const name: String; value: double); |
Add named query parameter of floating-point type.
procedure AddParamText(const name: String; const value: AnsiString); |
Add named query parameter of string or binary type.
procedure AddParamNull(const name: String); |
Add named query parameter with null value.
procedure AddParamBlobPtr(const name: String; buffer: pointer; len: integer); |
Add named query parameter of BLOB type from memory buffer.
procedure AddParamBlobText(const name: String; const value: AnsiString); |
Add named query parameter of BLOB type from binary string.
procedure AddParamBlob(const name: String; const value: TStream; len: integer); |
Add named query parameter of BLOB type from stream.
property Fields[I: cardinal]: AnsiString read GetFields; |
Return value of some field in current row.
property FieldByName[FieldName: String]: String read GetFieldByName; |
Return value of named field in current row.
property FieldIndex[FieldName: String]: integer read GetFieldIndex; |
Return index of some named field.
property Columns[I: integer]: String read GetColumns; |
Return field type of some field.
property EOF: boolean read FEOF; |
Indicate last row in result set.
property ColCount: cardinal read fColCount; |
Return number of fields in row.
property Row: cardinal read fRow; |
Number of current row.
Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2018-03-13 21:07:28