Class TGeo
type TGeo = class(TObject)
Class for storing geocache informations
property Waypoints: TWptList read getWptList; |
property Logs: TGeoLogList read getLogList; |
property NearGeo: TGeoList read FNearest; |
property Key: int64 read fkey write FKey; |
property ID: String read fID write fID; |
property Lat: String read fCoordx write setx; |
property Lon: String read fCoordY write sety; |
property CoordX: String read fCoordx write setx; |
property CoordY: String read fCoordY write sety; |
property LatNum: extended read fxnum write setxnum; |
property LonNum: extended read fynum write setynum; |
property CoordXNum: extended read fxnum write setxnum; |
property CoordYNum: extended read fynum write setynum; |
property CorrectedLat: String read getcorx; |
property CorrectedLon: String read getcory; |
property CorrectedCoordX: String read getcorx; |
property CorrectedCoordY: String read getcory; |
property CorrectedLatNum: extended read getcorxnum; |
property CorrectedLonNum: extended read getcorynum; |
property CorrectedCoordXNum: extended read getcorxnum; |
property CorrectedCoordYNum: extended read getcorynum; |
property GUID: String read fGUID write fGUID; |
property Name: String read fName write fName; |
property Author: String read fAuthor write SetAuthor; |
property CacheType: String read FcacheType write FCacheType; |
property Size: String read FcacheSize write FcacheSize; |
property Difficulty: String read FDifficulty write FDifficulty; |
property Terrain: String read fTerrain write fTerrain; |
property Comment: String read FComment; |
property ShortDescription: String read GetShortDesc; |
property LongDescription: String read GetLongDesc; |
property Hint: String read getHint; |
property Hidden: TDateTime read fdtHidden write fdthidden; |
property LastFound: TDateTime read fdtLast write fdtlast; |
property Updated: TDateTime read fdtUpdate write fdtupdate; |
property UpdatedList: TDateTime read fdtUpdateList write fdtupdateList; |
property Found: TDateTime read fdtFound; |
property FoundTime: TDateTime read fdtFoundTime; |
property IsOwner: Boolean read fisowner; |
property CacheStatus: integer read fcachestatus write fCacheStatus; |
property Country: String read FCountry write fCountry; |
property State: String read FState write fstate; |
property CacheID: String read GetCacheID write fcacheID; |
property OwnerID: String read FOwnerID write FOwnerID; |
property StatusName: string read GetStatusStr; |
property ListingHash: int64 read flistinghash; |
constructor create; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure clear; |
clear fields in memory
procedure assign(const value: TGeo); |
assign content to another instance
Load from current row in database
procedure LoadByKey(const gkey: int64); |
Load from database by a key
procedure LoadByGC(const value: string); |
Load from database by a GC code
procedure LoadByKeyGC(const gkey: int64; const value: string); |
Load from database by a key or by a GC code
procedure LoadKeyByGC(const Value: string); |
Load key only - by a GC code
procedure LoadFoundByGC(const Value: string); |
procedure LoadByLabID(const value, name: string); |
Load form database by parent cache ID and LAB cache name
procedure SetDefault; |
fill by default values
procedure ChangeID(const value: string); |
Change ID of point
procedure UpdateFound(value: TDateTime); |
save found date and time
procedure UpdateFoundDate(value: TDateTime); |
save found date
procedure UpdateLastFound(value: TDateTime); |
save LastFound date
procedure UpdateComment(value: string); |
save user comment
procedure UpdateBasicInfo; |
save basic point info
procedure Save; |
Save current content to database
function UpdateListing(const longdesc, shortdesc, hint: string; longdescflag, shortdescflag: integer): boolean; |
Save listing to database
procedure UpdateShortListing(const shortdesc: string; shortdescflag: integer); |
Save just short listing to database
procedure UpdateLongListing(const longdesc: string; longdescflag: integer); |
Save just long listing to database
Add new log to database
procedure RemoveLogs; |
Delete all current logs
function RefineLogs(LeaveCount: integer; LeaveOwned, LeaveImportant: Boolean; LeaveUsers: string): integer; |
Do deletion in logs. Leave latest LeaveCount logs, additionally leave your ouwn logs and/or important logs
procedure RemoveListing; |
Delete all listing informations
procedure RemoveTags; |
Delete all tags
procedure RemoveWaypoints; |
Delete all waypoints
procedure Remove; |
Delete thic geocache form database, include all associated informations
function HaveFinal: boolean; |
Have this geocache some final waypoint?
function HaveUserFinal: boolean; |
Have this geocache some final waypoint defined by user?
function GetCoord: string; |
Human readable coordinates
function HaveWaypoint: Boolean; |
Have some waypoints?
function AttachmentDir: string; |
directory for cache attachments
function HaveAttachment: Boolean; |
Have some attachments?
function RTFAttachmentFile: string; |
RTF attachment filename
function HaveRTFAttachment: Boolean; |
Have RTF attachment?
procedure OpenRTFAttachment; |
Open RTF attachment in external application
function HaveListing: boolean; |
Have listing?
function SimpleUrl: string; |
URL to geocaching web
function url: string; |
URL to geocaching web
function IsDisabled: Boolean; |
Is disabled?
function IsArchived: Boolean; |
Is archived?
function IsFound:Boolean; |
Is found by you?
function TypeID: string; |
Short type identification (one char)
function SizeID: string; |
Short size identification (one char)
function DiffID: string; |
Short difficulty identification (one char)
function TerrID: string; |
Short terrain identification (one char)
function IDTag: string; |
Short ID tag in form like TM24
function NameSplit: string; |
Helper for splitting into multiple directories
function IsListed: boolean; |
is this cache displayed in geoget window?
function IsSelected: boolean; |
is this cache displayed and selected in geoget window?
function IsFiltered: boolean; |
Can this cache pass through filter?
procedure ListAdd; |
Add to Geoget window
procedure ListDel; |
Remove from Geoget window
function TagCategories: string; |
set of associated tagh categories
function TagHaveCategory(category: string): boolean; |
Is this tag category associated?
function TagValues(Category: string): string; |
associated values withinthis tag category
procedure TagAdd(Category, value: string); |
add tag
procedure TagReplace(Category, value: string); |
add or replace tag
procedure TagReplaceList(Category: string; const value: TStrings); |
add or replace set of tags
procedure TagDel(Category, value: string); |
remove tag
procedure TagClear(Category: string); |
Remove all associated tags in this category
function TagCategoryLastUpdate(Category: string): TDateTime; |
Get timestamp of last tag modification
function FindNear(Distance: Integer): integer; |
Search near geocaches within given distance
procedure TagInvalid; |
Invalid cached tag informations. It forces to reload tag information next time.
function IsEmptyCoord: boolean; |
Have empty coordinates?
procedure CountryState(xcountry, xstate: string); |
Set country and state with content validation
function FinalWpt: TWpt; |
Get first final waypoint
procedure ShowListing; |
Display Geoget window with listing
function Family: string; |
Return family type (GC, WM, OC, OZ,...
procedure GetListing(const value: TStrings; prefix: string); |
Generate HTML listing and convert links to local images to given prefix
property Waypoints: TWptList read getWptList; |
set of waypoints
set of logs
property NearGeo: TGeoList read FNearest; |
set of near geocaches (after FindNear call)
property Key: int64 read fkey write FKey; |
Database key
property ID: String read fID write fID; |
Geocache ID
property Lat: String read fCoordx write setx; |
property Lon: String read fCoordY write sety; |
property CoordX: String read fCoordx write setx; |
property CoordY: String read fCoordY write sety; |
property LatNum: extended read fxnum write setxnum; |
property LonNum: extended read fynum write setynum; |
property CoordXNum: extended read fxnum write setxnum; |
property CoordYNum: extended read fynum write setynum; |
property CorrectedLat: String read getcorx; |
Corrected Coordinates
property CorrectedLon: String read getcory; |
Corrected Coordinates
property CorrectedCoordX: String read getcorx; |
Corrected Coordinates
property CorrectedCoordY: String read getcory; |
Corrected Coordinates
property CorrectedLatNum: extended read getcorxnum; |
Corrected Coordinates
property CorrectedLonNum: extended read getcorynum; |
Corrected Coordinates
property CorrectedCoordXNum: extended read getcorxnum; |
Corrected Coordinates
property CorrectedCoordYNum: extended read getcorynum; |
Corrected Coordinates
property GUID: String read fGUID write fGUID; |
property Name: String read fName write fName; |
Name of cache
property Author: String read fAuthor write SetAuthor; |
Author of cache
property CacheType: String read FcacheType write FCacheType; |
Type of cache
property Size: String read FcacheSize write FcacheSize; |
Size of cache
property Difficulty: String read FDifficulty write FDifficulty; |
property Terrain: String read fTerrain write fTerrain; |
property Comment: String read FComment; |
User comment
property ShortDescription: String read GetShortDesc; |
Listing short description
property LongDescription: String read GetLongDesc; |
Listing long description
property Hint: String read getHint; |
Listing hint
property Hidden: TDateTime read fdtHidden write fdthidden; |
date of hidden
property LastFound: TDateTime read fdtLast write fdtlast; |
date of last found (may not be allways used)
property Updated: TDateTime read fdtUpdate write fdtupdate; |
date of last database update
property UpdatedList: TDateTime read fdtUpdateList write fdtupdateList; |
date of last cache description database update
property Found: TDateTime read fdtFound; |
date of your found
property FoundTime: TDateTime read fdtFoundTime; |
time of your found
property IsOwner: Boolean read fisowner; |
is it your own cache?
property CacheStatus: integer read fcachestatus write fCacheStatus; |
cache status code
property Country: String read FCountry write fCountry; |
property State: String read FState write fstate; |
State within a Country
property CacheID: String read GetCacheID write fcacheID; |
CacheID in PQ
property OwnerID: String read FOwnerID write FOwnerID; |
OwnerID in PQ
property StatusName: string read GetStatusStr; |
cache status in human readable form
property ListingHash: int64 read flistinghash; |
Murmu2 hash of shortdescription, longdescription and hint
Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2018-03-13 21:07:27