Class TWpt
type TWpt = class(TObject)
Class for storing waypoint informations
property Key: int64 read fkey write fkey; |
property ParentKey: int64 read getparentkey; |
property ParentID: string read fparentID write FParentID; |
property ID: string read GetWptID; |
property ParentName: string read GetParentName; |
property ParentGeo: TGeo read getparentgeo; |
property Lat: String read fCoordx write SetX; |
property Lon: String read fCoordY write Sety; |
property CoordX: String read fCoordx write SetX; |
property CoordY: String read fCoordY write SetY; |
property LatNum: extended read fxnum write SetXNum; |
property LonNum: extended read fynum write SetYNum; |
property CoordXNum: extended read fxnum write SetXnum; |
property CoordYNum: extended read fynum write SetYnum; |
property Name: String read fName write fname; |
property Comment: String read FComment; |
property Updated: TDateTime read fdtupdate write fdtupdate; |
property GUID: String read fguid write fguid; |
property PrefixID: String read fprefixid write fprefixid; |
property Lookup: String read flookup write flookup; |
property WptType: String read fwpttype write fwpttype; |
property Description: String read fcmt write fcmt; |
property Flags: int64 read fFlags write fFlags; |
constructor create; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure clear; |
clear fields in memory
procedure assign(const value: TWpt); |
assign content to another instance
Load from current row in database
procedure LoadByKey(const gkey: int64); |
Load form database by a key
procedure LoadByID(const value: string); |
Load form database by waypoint ID
procedure LoadByIDEx(const value, name: string); |
Load form database by waypoint ID or by name (for backward comatibility)
procedure SetDefault; |
fill by default values
procedure Save; |
Save current content to database
function FullName: string; |
Full name fo waypoint (include parent geocache name)
function IsUserWaypoint: boolean; |
Is this waypoint entered by user?
function IsWebWaypoint: boolean; |
Is this waypoint created by the corrected coordinates or note on the web?
function IsVisitedWaypoint: boolean; |
Is this waypoint visited?
function IsFinal: boolean; |
Is this waypoint with final location?
function IsEmptyCoord: boolean; |
Have empty coordinates?
procedure UpdateComment(value: string); |
update user comment
procedure Remove; |
remove this waypoint from database
function IsListed: boolean; |
is this waypoint displayed in geoget window?
function IsSelected: boolean; |
is this waypoint displayed and selected in geoget window?
function IsFiltered: boolean; |
Can this waypoint pass through filter?
procedure ListAdd; |
Add to Geoget window
procedure ListDel; |
Remove from Geoget window
function TypeID: string; |
Short description of waypoint type. (usually one char)
function url: string; |
URL to geocaching web.
function GetCoord: string; |
Human readable coordinates
property Key: int64 read fkey write fkey; |
database key
property ParentKey: int64 read getparentkey; |
database key of parent geocache
property ParentID: string read fparentID write FParentID; |
ID of parent cache
property ID: string read GetWptID; |
Waypoint ID
property ParentName: string read GetParentName; |
Name of parent geocache
property ParentGeo: TGeo read getparentgeo; |
parent geocache class
property Lat: String read fCoordx write SetX; |
property Lon: String read fCoordY write Sety; |
property CoordX: String read fCoordx write SetX; |
property CoordY: String read fCoordY write SetY; |
property LatNum: extended read fxnum write SetXNum; |
property LonNum: extended read fynum write SetYNum; |
property CoordXNum: extended read fxnum write SetXnum; |
property CoordYNum: extended read fynum write SetYnum; |
property Name: String read fName write fname; |
property Comment: String read FComment; |
User comment
property Updated: TDateTime read fdtupdate write fdtupdate; |
date and time of latest update
property GUID: String read fguid write fguid; |
property PrefixID: String read fprefixid write fprefixid; |
Two char ID prefix
property Lookup: String read flookup write flookup; |
Lookup code (not available in all cases)
property WptType: String read fwpttype write fwpttype; |
Type of waypoint
property Description: String read fcmt write fcmt; |
Description of waypoint
property Flags: int64 read fFlags write fFlags; |
Flags bit 0 - imported, bit 1 - from the web, bit 2 - visited
Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2018-03-13 21:07:27