Unit geo

DescriptionusesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


Geoget classes for handling geocache data

Used internaly by Geoget, but can be used in Geoget scripts too!


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TGeoLog Class for storing finder's logs
Class TWpt Class for storing waypoint informations
Class TWptList Class for storing set of waypoints
Class TGeoLogList Class for storing set of logs
Class TGeoList Class for storing set of geocaches
Class TGeo Class for storing geocache informations
Class TGeoPolyList  
Class TGeoPolyDivider  

Functions and Procedures

procedure GetTagCategories(const Result: tStrings);
procedure GetTagCategoriesUni(const Result: tStrings);
procedure GetTagValues(Category: string; const Result: tStrings);
procedure GetTagValuesUni(Category: string; const Result: tStrings);
procedure TagDelOrphan;
procedure DelTagCategoryByKey(Key: int64);
procedure DelTagCategory(Category: string);
procedure DelRenameTagCategoryByKey(Key: Int64; newcat: string);
procedure DelRenameTagCategory(Oldcat, newcat: string);
procedure GetCacheTypes(const value: TStrings);
procedure GetCacheSizes(const value: TStrings);
procedure GetWptTypes(const value: TStrings);
procedure GetGradeValues(const value: TStrings);
function NormalizeWptType(value: String): string;
function GetCacheTypeByID(value: integer): string;
function GetIDbyCacheType(value: string): integer;
function GetIDbyCacheSize(value: string): integer;
function GetCacheSizeByID(value: integer): string;
procedure PrepareCountryPolygons(const value: TSqliteDatabase);
procedure MetadataWrite(meta, value: string);
function MetadataRead(meta: string): string;


wp_final = 'Final Location';
wp_reference = 'Reference Point';
wp_stage = 'Stages of a Multicache';
wp_question = 'Question to Answer';
wp_parking = 'Parking Area';
wp_trail = 'Trailhead';


Functions and Procedures

procedure GetTagCategories(const Result: tStrings);

Fill all existing tag categories to stringlist.

procedure GetTagCategoriesUni(const Result: tStrings);

Fill all existing tag categories to stringlist. (native unicode version)

procedure GetTagValues(Category: string; const Result: tStrings);

Fill all existing tag values of some category to stringlist.

procedure GetTagValuesUni(Category: string; const Result: tStrings);

Fill all existing tag values of some category to stringlist. (native unicode version)

procedure TagDelOrphan;

Remove all orphaned tags.

procedure DelTagCategoryByKey(Key: int64);

Remove tag category and all associated tags.

procedure DelTagCategory(Category: string);

Remove tag category and all associated tags.

procedure DelRenameTagCategoryByKey(Key: Int64; newcat: string);

Rename tag category.

procedure DelRenameTagCategory(Oldcat, newcat: string);

Rename tag category.

procedure GetCacheTypes(const value: TStrings);

Fill all existing Geocache types to stringlist.

procedure GetCacheSizes(const value: TStrings);

Fill all existing Geocache sizes to stringlist.

procedure GetWptTypes(const value: TStrings);

Fill all existing waypoint types to stringlist.

procedure GetGradeValues(const value: TStrings);

Fill all existing terrain/difficulty values.

function NormalizeWptType(value: String): string;
function GetCacheTypeByID(value: integer): string;
function GetIDbyCacheType(value: string): integer;
function GetIDbyCacheSize(value: string): integer;
function GetCacheSizeByID(value: integer): string;
procedure PrepareCountryPolygons(const value: TSqliteDatabase);
procedure MetadataWrite(meta, value: string);
function MetadataRead(meta: string): string;


wp_final = 'Final Location';
wp_reference = 'Reference Point';
wp_stage = 'Stages of a Multicache';
wp_question = 'Question to Answer';
wp_parking = 'Parking Area';
wp_trail = 'Trailhead';
Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2018-03-13 21:07:27