Class TGeoLog
type TGeoLog = class(Tobject)
Class for storing finder's logs
property ID: string read fid write fid; |
property key: int64 read fkey write fkey; |
property date: TdateTime read fdate write setdate; |
property logtype: string read ftype write settype; |
property finder: string read ffinder write setfinder; |
property text: string read ftext write settext; |
property textHTML: string read getloghtml; |
property LogID: string read getlogid write setlogid; |
property LogIDcode: string read getlogidcode; |
property FinderID: string read fgsfinderid write setfinderid; |
property Hash: int64 read fhash; |
property Updated: TDateTime read fdtupdate write fdtupdate; |
constructor create; |
procedure clear; |
clear fields in memory
procedure assign(const value: TGeoLog); |
assign content to another instance
Load from current row in database
Load from current row in database without log text
Load logtext from current row in database
procedure LoadByLogID(const value: string); |
Load by LogID
function LoadIfModified(const idlog: string; texthash: int64): boolean; |
Load by LogID and return True
, if log in database will be modified
procedure Remove; |
remove this log from database
procedure SetDefault; |
fill by default values
procedure Save; |
Save current content to database
function IsMy: boolean; |
your own log test
property ID: string read fid write fid; |
Associated geocache ID
property key: int64 read fkey write fkey; |
Key in database
property date: TdateTime read fdate write setdate; |
Date of log
property logtype: string read ftype write settype; |
Log type
property finder: string read ffinder write setfinder; |
Who wrote this log
property text: string read ftext write settext; |
text of log
property textHTML: string read getloghtml; |
text of log converted to HTML
property LogID: string read getlogid write setlogid; |
property LogIDcode: string read getlogidcode; |
LogID code (GLxxxx)
property FinderID: string read fgsfinderid write setfinderid; |
ID of log author (may not be filled...)
property Hash: int64 read fhash; |
32bit Murmur Hash of decompressed log Text
property Updated: TDateTime read fdtupdate write fdtupdate; |
date and time of latest update
Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2018-03-13 21:07:27